So I have really weird dreams a lot of the time. Most of them aren't so pleasant but some are just really funny. So at 1 A.M I woke up from a dream but I really thought I was still dreaming and in my state of dreaming-not-dreamingness I text my boyfriend. And he was absolutely darling and we ended up talking for an hour (I feel really really horribly bad about this by the way but he swears it was ok). So then I go back to sleep and have more really weird dreams. Then I have to get up and I fall out of bed and stumble into the hallway and trip over a box before finally making it, battered and bruised, into the bathroom where I proceed to almost fall into the shower. Falling into, yes into not out of, the shower is a fairly normal occurrence for me. Let's blip ahead about 5 hours to now. I'm talking to my boyfriend, because we're weird and like to talk, and said something about how yesterday must have been Tuesday because, obviously, today is Wednesday. Here is what followed...
Boyfriend: "Umm... Babe? Today is Tuesday."
Me: "Uh no it's not."
Boyfriend : "Yes, it is."
Me: "Oh... Well... Blaargh."
This is obvious proof that Blaargh doesn't know what day it is. Thank god for boyfriends who do.
I think we have the same mind. Like, our brain was divided and put into both our bodies.