There's this horrible little feeling you get in the morning when you realize that you haven't quite woken up even after two cups of coffee. Then all of a sudden you realize, 'Oh yeah wait, I'm not dreaming, caffeine-desensitized, or brain-dead - I'm getting sick!' and then you remember how awful it is to be sick. So you try and you try and you try to NOT be sick by pretending that you just haven't had enough coffee yet and that's the real reason you haven't fully woken up. Down goes another cup of coffee. And bye bye goes your voice.
Sometimes I wonder how exactly I get sick.
Me - Hm, maybe it's the sugar intake. Damn those oreos last night.
Me #2 - Yes, because eating two oreos after cutting yourself off from processed, sugar filled foods will really make you sick within 24 hours.
Me - Good point. Oh make a bet I know. Mom was finally right! I don't wear enough clothes.
Me #2 - Yeah and how many years has she been telling you that and how many times have you gotten sick?
Me - Ummmm.... I stole Mike's food. Maybe HE was sick! That's it that's it that's it! He was sick! AGH how dare he give me this!
Me #2 - For some reason, I doubt that theory.
Me - Why?
Me #2 - Don't question me.
Me - Might have been my boyfriend. I should stop kissing him. Either way, I shouldn't kiss him. Because either he got me sick, or I'll get him sick. Yeah, not kissing him anymore. No more kissing. Ever. It's bad.
Me #2 - I shouldn't have to tell you how stupid and ridiculously improbable, if not impossible, that is.
Me - Stop shooting down my theories!
Me #2 - Stop having stupid theories!
Me #3 - I'm kinda hungry...
Me + Me #2 - Oh shush.
Yeah so apparently tracing the origins of an acquired cold is nearly impossible unless you're some mad scientist with a ton of equipment from the future and you can go back in time and perform tests on everyone you ever had contact with from the beginning of the incubation time of whatever weird little germ virus you may or may not, but probably do, have. That was the longest sentence ever.
Update: So just to avoid confusion, in reference to my not kissing my boyfriend ever 'cause it's bad, that doesn't mean at all that my boyfriend is a bad kisser. It just means that kissing is bad. But it's not. I'm gonna stop talking now.
Lol you're such a dork! And I challenge you to test the kissing theory. Maybe you'll be healthy forever! HA!